
How to See Clearly Without Breaking the Bank: Tips for Saving on Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses (frames and lenses) can easily add up to several hundred dollars. If you need a new prescription each year, this can easily add up to a significant expense. Many customers assume that they have no choice but to pay out the high prices charged by their local eyewear stores, but this is not the case. There are many ways to get glasses for less:

– Shop online. Online stores often charge a fraction of the price of eyewear chains. Your local store might charge hundreds of dollars, but you can find glasses online (both frame and lenses) for $50 or less. Some of the frames available are even quite trendy.

– Team up for “two-for-one” sales. Many stores have these sales so call around – some stores will let you bring a friend and have the glasses made with different prescriptions. You and your friend can each get new glasses and split the cost. This can easily save you 50% or more.

– Replace frames less often. Frames are what really cost a great deal of money. Try replacing just the lenses on your glasses for a year or two, since frames styles do not change that often. You can often get older frames repaired, as well.

– Don’t overspend on prescription sunglasses. These can be very expensive, but ff you have an older pair of glasses lying around, consider having the lenses tinted. This often costs only $20 or so but gives you a great pair of sunglasses with your correct prescription.

– Look for discount programs. Some companies and organizations offer discounts on eyewear as part of their employee or member benefits. Check with your employer or professional associations to see if you are eligible for any discounts on eyeglasses.

– Consider generic brands. Many eyewear stores offer generic frames and lenses at a much lower cost than designer brands. These options may not have the same level of style and quality as designer brands, but they can save you a significant amount of money.

– Use coupons and promo codes. Many online and brick-and-mortar eyewear retailers offer discounts through coupons and promo codes. Search online for coupons or sign up for email newsletters from your favorite retailers to stay informed about upcoming sales and promotions.

– Negotiate the price. If you are shopping at a physical store, don’t be afraid to negotiate the price. Ask the salesperson if they can offer a discount, particularly if you are purchasing multiple pairs of glasses.

– Consider insurance coverage. If you have vision insurance, check to see what benefits are available for eyeglasses. Your insurance may cover all or part of the cost of your glasses, including frames and lenses.

– By following these tips, you can save money on eyeglasses without sacrificing quality or style. With a little bit of research and planning, you can find affordable eyewear that meets your needs and fits within your budget.

For more ways to save on everything, check out our guide to saving cash.

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