
Teaching Your Children About Money

Teaching your children about money ensures that your children grow up with sound financial knowledge and good financial habits. This can help ensure that your children don’t grow up to become dependant on credit cards, unsecured loans, and payday loans as adults. Good financial health is important and teaching your children good financial habits now sets them up for good financial health down the line.

As soon as your children are old enough, buy them a piggy bank. Show your children the pleasures of saving to ensure that they become savers for life. Contact your bank to find out what type of children’s savings banks are available and sign your child up for a bank account as soon as possible. Having your child save a small amount each month can add up by the time they reach college age. As well, speak to your bank about children’s education programs. Many banks have booklets and even school programs for children to teach children about money. Find out if a local bank or financial company visits schools in your area.

In addition to encouraging saving, it’s important to teach your children about spending wisely. Teach your children about budgeting by helping them make a list of their needs and wants. Explain the difference between needs and wants and how to prioritize spending. For example, food and shelter are needs while toys and video games are wants. Encourage your children to save up for their wants rather than using credit cards or loans.

Teaching your children about earning money is also important. Encourage them to find ways to earn money such as doing chores around the house or selling items they no longer need. Teach them about the value of hard work and the satisfaction of earning their own money.

It’s also important to teach your children about debt and interest. Explain to them that borrowing money comes with a cost and that they will have to pay back more than they borrowed due to interest. Teach them to be responsible borrowers and to avoid high-interest loans like payday loans.

Finally, lead by example. Children often learn best by watching and imitating their parents. Set a good example by being a responsible spender and saver. Involve your children in your own financial decisions and explain the reasoning behind them.

Teaching your children about money is an ongoing process. As your children grow older, they will encounter new financial challenges such as managing credit cards and paying off student loans. By starting early and providing a solid foundation, you can help ensure that your children have the knowledge and skills they need to make good financial decisions throughout their lives.…


How to See Clearly Without Breaking the Bank: Tips for Saving on Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses (frames and lenses) can easily add up to several hundred dollars. If you need a new prescription each year, this can easily add up to a significant expense. Many customers assume that they have no choice but to pay out the high prices charged by their local eyewear stores, but this is not the case. There are many ways to get glasses for less:

– Shop online. Online stores often charge a fraction of the price of eyewear chains. Your local store might charge hundreds of dollars, but you can find glasses online (both frame and lenses) for $50 or less. Some of the frames available are even quite trendy.

– Team up for “two-for-one” sales. Many stores have these sales so call around – some stores will let you bring a friend and have the glasses made with different prescriptions. You and your friend can each get new glasses and split the cost. This can easily save you 50% or more.

– Replace frames less often. Frames are what really cost a great deal of money. Try replacing just the lenses on your glasses for a year or two, since frames styles do not change that often. You can often get older frames repaired, as well.

– Don’t overspend on prescription sunglasses. These can be very expensive, but ff you have an older pair of glasses lying around, consider having the lenses tinted. This often costs only $20 or so but gives you a great pair of sunglasses with your correct prescription.

– Look for discount programs. Some companies and organizations offer discounts on eyewear as part of their employee or member benefits. Check with your employer or professional associations to see if you are eligible for any discounts on eyeglasses.

– Consider generic brands. Many eyewear stores offer generic frames and lenses at a much lower cost than designer brands. These options may not have the same level of style and quality as designer brands, but they can save you a significant amount of money.

– Use coupons and promo codes. Many online and brick-and-mortar eyewear retailers offer discounts through coupons and promo codes. Search online for coupons or sign up for email newsletters from your favorite retailers to stay informed about upcoming sales and promotions.

– Negotiate the price. If you are shopping at a physical store, don’t be afraid to negotiate the price. Ask the salesperson if they can offer a discount, particularly if you are purchasing multiple pairs of glasses.

– Consider insurance coverage. If you have vision insurance, check to see what benefits are available for eyeglasses. Your insurance may cover all or part of the cost of your glasses, including frames and lenses.

– By following these tips, you can save money on eyeglasses without sacrificing quality or style. With a little bit of research and planning, you can find affordable eyewear that meets your needs and fits within your budget.

For more ways to save on everything, check out our guide to saving cash.…


Exploring Alternatives to Bankruptcy: How to Manage Overwhelming Debt

If you are overwhelmed with payday loans, personal loans, and other unsecured loans that you cannot repay, you may be considering bankruptcy. Bankruptcy wipes out many of your unsecured loans so that you can start over financially with much smaller debts to repay, but it also ruins your credit rating, a problem that takes many years to fix. For this reason, it is often a good idea to avoid bankruptcy if you can.
Use your home equity. If you own your own home, you can borrow against your home’s value and use your new home loan to repay all your creditors. The new equity loan will usually have a lower rate than unsecured loans and will therefore be easier to repay.
Get debt counseling. If excessive spending and borrowing has created a financial problem for you, debt counseling can teach you how to budget and can often show you your options. In some cases, counseling companies can even negotiate with your creditors to give you more time to repay your debts.
Get a second job. If you are healthy, getting a second job temporarily can help you generate more money so that you can repay your debts.
Negotiate with your creditors. Contact your creditors and explain your situation. They may be willing to negotiate a lower interest rate or a payment plan that works better for you.

Consolidate your debts. Consolidating all your debts into one loan with a lower interest rate can make it easier to manage your payments and reduce the amount of interest you pay overall.
Sell assets. If you have assets that you can sell, such as a car or other property, this can help you generate money to repay your debts.
Seek financial assistance. There are government programs and non-profit organizations that provide financial assistance to people in need. Research these options to see if you qualify.
In conclusion, bankruptcy should be a last resort option for individuals overwhelmed with debt. There are several alternatives to bankruptcy, such as using home equity, getting debt counseling, getting a second job, negotiating with creditors, consolidating debts, selling assets, and seeking financial assistance. It is important to research and explore all options before making a decision.…

Money Teaching

Fun and Games for Teaching Children about Money

Teaching your children about money is often much easier if it is fun and games rather than schoolroom learning. Here are a few fun games you can play with children to teach them about money. Fake investing. Teach your children about the stock market and then pretend to “buy” a few shares in various companies. Check the newspaper each day or once a week to see how much your “investments” have decreased or increased. Keep track of your progress on a large poster in the kitchen.

Coin collecting. Coin collecting is lots of fun and lets your children learn about history (when they find old coins) and other cultures (when they find coins from other countries). Look through coin jars in your home to see what sorts of treasures you can find and help your child determine which coins are worth more due to their age.
Spotting counterfeits. Teach your child to spot counterfeits. Not only is it fun to spot differences in bills, but it is a practical skill for your children to have.

Museum visits. Call around to find out which museums in your area have kid-friendly fiscal exhibits. It’s a great way for your children to learn while also having a fun day out. Budgeting board game. Create a board game where players have to make financial decisions such as paying bills, buying groceries, and saving money for a goal. Each decision affects their budget and they have to make strategic choices to stay afloat. This game teaches children about budgeting and financial responsibility in a fun way.

Garage sale challenge. Have a garage sale where your children can sell their old toys and clothes. Encourage them to set prices and negotiate with customers. This game teaches children about entrepreneurship and the value of money. Savings jar. Give your child a clear jar and encourage them to save their spare change. Once the jar is full, take it to the bank together and deposit the money into a savings account. This game teaches children about the importance of saving and delayed gratification.…